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Thursday 18 December 2008

Gawain Towler: UKIP MEP?

I know that Gawain is determined to become an MEP but I had no idea he had successfully unseated Trevor and pushed aside the Earl of Dartmouth.

Here is his letter to The Scotsman:

27 November 2008

Alex Orr (Debate & Opinion, 26 November) claims the Czech Republic is ready to take over the presidency of the European Union. I would agree with him, but how does he square this with the attitude of Andrew Duff, Lib Dem MEP and board member of the International European Movement, who told Czech parliamentarians a couple of weeks ago "he did not think that the Czech Republic could take over the presidency, if they had not ratified the treaty".

It appears the Czechs are acceptable only if they do what they are told.

European Parliament Rue Wiertz, Brussels

Mr Towler now claims that this is all a mistake and blames The Scotsman for adding the MEP tag. So why has he not contacted the paper and asked them to remove the tag from their website?

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