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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Friday 6 November 2009

Nigel Farage & Gibraltar: Time to come clean

Quite recently, the issue of Nigel Farage's problems in Gibraltar resurfaced. This was during a discussion amongst members of the Westminster press corps.

What little we know, is that when the possibility of UKIP MEPs visiting Gibraltar was put forward, Farage became nervous. Enquiries revealed that he had been involved with a company, based in Gibraltar, and seemingly run by him, and possibly his brother, that was trading futures in African timber. The company, according to our sources, ran into troubles (Farage was never good with money, as his MEPs might testify) and it was wound up. There seem to have been some legal issues that arose, and as a result Farage, we are told, has been advised not to set foot on the rock.

The Telegraph were known to be working on the story a couple of years ago, and one of the UKIP researchers in Brussels, who is well acquainted with a senior Gibraltarian politician in London, confirmed that there is a problem of some sort.

Now, here comes a twist. A certain UKIP MEP was known to his colleagues as "DOM". It transpires that this was an an acronym for "Dirty Old Man" - it seems that the chap in question had a wee problem with the police following the discovery of some sensitive images on his home computer. We don't make accusations - we are sure that his defence, that they were planted on his computer by a person or persons unknown, is absolutely true

But our friends in the Red Lion in Whitehall have suggested that this unpleasant incident might be related to Farage's problems in Gibraltar.

We know that Farage is alleged to cavort with prostitutes, but we sincerely hope this latest allegation is not true, but we are making enquiries.

1 comment:

Greg_L-W. said...


Timber Futures is still an active file with The Gibraltar police I understand and was it seems either a Ponzi scheme or a straight investment scam of some sort that turned sour. I understand Farage had a partner who got stuck with the liability which ran to around £800K.

This was checked out in detail but there was insufficient of consequence in the proximity of teflon ;-)

I do understand that Farage still has issues with visiting Gibraltar but whether legal or related to individuals in Gib. I know not.

I do not believe the Gibraltar police have any ongoing interest in Farage.

As for the unsavory images on an MEPs computer one only has to consider the general caliber of EUkip's MEPs past and present and particularly some of their staff, not to be surprised.

You will have noted for instance that Gawain Towler has boasted of his own perversions in fairly graphic detail and his wife openly published of other far less savory perversions.

In the light of this I was surprised to see the odious Towler modeling in the present issue of EUkip's in house Faragista Fest comic - particularly distateful was the fact that he was modeling bath robes!

You will remember The SW Committee demanded his resignation as a candidate only to find Farage had reinstated him, via his political committee of one - without minutes! so much for the caliber of democracy in EUkip.

IF the offence alleged was in Brussels then it is unlikely there will be any action taken as it seems pederasty is institutionally endemic in Belgium.

I would hazard a guess that Gibraltar and pederasty are low on Farage's horizons relative to other problems he faces!

Greg L-W.