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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Monday 21 June 2010

Nikki Sinclaire publishes a full audit of all her expenses

Full marks to Nikki for publishing a complete list of all her expenses in her first annual report since becoming an MEP. None of her former UKIP colleagues in the European Parliament have seen fit to publish such a detailed audit/report . What have they got to hide? The answer is quite a lot!

General Expenditure Allowance

14th July - 31 December 2009

As specified in Article 28 of the EU regulations

• Office management and running costs, in particular
rent and related charges (heating, lighting, insurance
and cleaning): £5,555

• The cost of purchasing or renting office equipment:

• Telephone, including mobile telephone, and postal
charges: £4,666

• The cost of purchasing office supplies and
stationery: £130

• The cost of purchasing books, periodicals and
newspapers: £270

• The cost of using public data consultation networks:

• The expenses involved in equipping Members with communications equipment and maintaining that equipment, for example the purchase or rental of a telephone, a fax machine, a computer, a modem or communications card, a printer, other IT equipment, computer peripherals and software packages: £3,848

• The cost of a subscription to the Internet and to databases: £136

• Representation activities: £10,814

• Hotel bills and other related expenses incurred in travelling in a Member’s Member State of election: £2,815

Total General Expenditure: £32,492

Total General Expenditure Allowance received from the EU: £22,039.

This payment is received by every UK MEP from the EU regardless of their expenditure for this period. None of my family members are employed by me.

Travel to and from the European Parliament

14 Journeys to Brussels.

5 Journeys to Strasbourg.

Daily Subsistence Allowance

A fixed allowance of 298 euros is paid for every day attended at the European Parliament to all MEP’s.

Number of days attended in the European Parliament 47. Days Working in the UK - West Midlands Region 73.

To read the full report: LINK

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